Ministry Director
Maria and Deacon Randolph Copeland
[email protected]
Upcoming Retreat Weekends
March 8-9, 2025
June 7-8, 2025
October 18-19, 2025
Register at this link:
Engaged Encounter is an investment in the future — a weekend in which an atmosphere is created for each couple to concentrate exclusively on one another, free of the tensions, pressures and interruptions of daily living. It is a quiet weekend, specifically designed to give a couple planning marriage an opportunity to talk honestly and intensively about their future together.
The weekend consists of a series of presentations led by a team of married couples and a priest. The engaged couple is encouraged to talk privately with each other on many aspects of marriage, always from the viewpoint of their own relationship. Personal reflection and discussion as a couple are the principal activities of the weekend.
Marriage can be understood in its cycles of romance, disillusionment, and true joy, culminating in unity. Through this weekend the couple gets to know each other more deeply, and learn ways of communication that can be used throughout their lives. The weekend encourages engaged couples to communicate in terms of planning a marriage, not just a wedding celebration. Couples who attend an Encounter weekend several months prior to their wedding obtain the maximum benefit.
Engaged Encounter began in 1974 to help prepare engaged couples for marriages. It has grown to a national organization with communities in most dioceses in the United States and in many countries around the world. More information may be found about the organization, the program, and other communities at
***Please contact us if finances might keep you from coming.
Do You Have to Be A Catholic?
The retreat adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church, particularly that marriage is sacramental. The event is suitable for a woman and a man of any faith preparing for marriage who desire a deeper understanding of themselves and the abundant life of a faith-filled marriage. Catholic couples are reminded to contact their parish pastor as early as possible to begin the required preparation process.
Where is the Encounter Held?
The events are held at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Gallup, New Mexico. Directions will be mailed to each registrant. Men and women are housed in separate areas. Attendees who have local lodging arrangement may commute to the event if they prefer.
Pandemic Concerns: The retreat center is spacious and will accommodate the event without crowding. Safe distancing, masks and other precautions will be used as per current advice of health authorities to protect participants and staff.
What is the time of the Weekend?
The Engaged Encounter weekends begin on Saturday morning at 8:00 Mountain time. [Please note that during Daylight Saving Time, Gallup time is one hour earlier than Arizona time, equivalent to 7:00 AM.] Sunday activities begin again in the morning at 8:00 AM and there is a closing Mass at the end of the weekend which concludes by 4:00 PM.
What is the cost?
The Regular Registration Fee for the weekend is $85 per couple, which includes lodging, all required material, plus two meals on Saturday, and two meals on Sunday. (The cost is the same for using the lodging either one or two nights.) For couples who live close and do not require lodging at the Retreat Center, the Commuter Registration Fee is $50.00 per couple. Catholic Engaged Encounter is a non-profit organization with volunteer leaders. An opportunity for a voluntary donation is provided during the weekend to help support the ministry.
Please contact us if finances might keep you from coming.
How to register:
Registration may be made online or by filling out and mailing in this form. Please make arrangements early to ensure a position and no later than 10 days prior to the scheduled weekend. The full fee should be sent at the time of registration. The fee will be refunded if a couple finds it necessary to cancel, but less than five days prior to the weekend, a portion is not refundable. Your reservations will be confirmed promptly by mail or email.