Archives Manager
Cathy McCarthy
[email protected]
503 W. Highway 66
Gallup, NM 87301
The Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gallup serves as the final repository for historical records of the Diocese. The Archives Office is erected in accordance with Canon 482, which invests the Chancellor with responsibility for the archives. Its mission is to collect, maintain and persevere records of enduring value which pertain to the Diocese.
This Archives is a restricted and private institutional repository. Its primary duty is to serve the Bishop, Curial offices and Catholic parishes. Therefore, access is generally limited to such uses. On rare occasions, select portions of archives may be made available to researchers, as permitted by canon law, civil law, and privacy considerations. However, this is subject to approval by the Chancellor. The approval may be withheld according to the Chancellor’s sole and absolute discretion, as well as due to the resources available.
For sacramental records, please contact the parish at which the sacrament was administered and recorded. If due diligence was done, but help is still needed in finding out which parish administered the sacrament, the archives’ office can be contacted to assist with the search. Only the person who received the sacrament, (or legal guardian of said person), may obtain a certification of the sacrament. A legal photo ID, (and proof of guardianship, if applicable), will be needed. A nominal fee may apply.
Please note: The Archives office does not aid in genealogical research or family history studies.
The Archives office does not buy, sell, or value artifacts.